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tv   America Live  FOX News  December 13, 2011 10:00am-12:00pm PST

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i think conor powell did the coverage of that. jon's always active on that chat. jon: we'll see you soon. jenna: "america live" starts right now. >> we start with a fox news alert, brand new polls showing a growing challenge for the president's re-election campaign today. new numbers show president obama trail anything critical swing states. these are where voters will likely decide who sits in the white house. welcome to "america live," everyone, i'm alisyn camarota, in for megyn kelly today. a new gallup poll shows president obama is falling behind to the current republican front runners. this is in states that he won in 2008. mitt romney is ahead 48-43% right now, same poll on newt gingrich you see here, it shows the former speaker of the householding a similar lead in those states with, again, 48% of
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the vote. bob cusack joins us with analysis. tell us what's so significant about this poll. >> well, this shows the last thing the president can get is overconfident, especially in this economy. obvious, they're going after newt gingrich now that he's rise anything the polls, but president obama lost the independent vote in 2010. he won it big time in 2008, and he has yet to close the deal as far as convincing them to come back to him in 20123. so this is a very unpredictable race. there was a poll the other day that showed obama was a little bit up in south carolina, in the red state, but this poll is troublesome for the president, and i think it's going to be a very tight race, a very different type of race than it was in 2008. alisyn: and, of course, this poll is very different from some of the other polls we've seen pitting the president against just a hypothetical gop candidate. when you plug in the names, mitt romney and newt gingrich, he's losing. >> right. and can that's what democrats
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pointed out before it was just an unnamed republican, the president was losing. but hire we have -- here we have names of gingrich and romney, and i think that's key. newt gingrich, a lot of republicans are very nervous about him winning the nomination, especially on capitol hill. but gingrich's numbers against obama have been better than herman cain's or michele bachmann's when they were at their peak, and that is very telling, and that's why the democratic national committee is going after newt gingrich. if mitt romney had these numbers that gingrich has now, we'd be calling this race over. mitt romney has acknowledged that gingrich is the front runner. alisyn: again, where these polls were taken were in the battleground states, colorado, iowa, michigan, new hampshire, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, of course, virginia and wisconsin. so what does this say about where the president should now focus? >> well, i think the president's
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going to be focusing on the west. if you talk to republicans, they're confident about florida. they're confident about ohio. they're less confident about the western states. the latino vote out there could help president obama. he's been courting them. he promised immigration reform, didn't get it done, but he has been really trying to get their vote, and republicans are nervous about those states. so they say if republicans win florida, they win ohio and possibly a couple other of the key states like new hampshire, iowa, they'll be in good shape. they're less confident about colorado and new mexico. alisyn: bob cusack from "the hill," always fascinating to talk about the horse race. thanks so much. >> thanks. alisyn: newt gingrich telling his team to, quote, play nice. yesterday there were fiery statements traded between the former house speaker and rival mitt romney on separate campaign stops in new hampshire. so now gingrich has sent a letter to his staff saying it is critical the republican nominee emerge from this primary
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campaign unbloodied so that he or she can make the case against president obama from a position of strength. for these reasons i have refrained from launching attacks on my republican opponents, though i have reserved the right to respond when my record has been distorted. gingrich has since asked his surrogates to avoid initiating any attacks. now remember, your last chance to hear the candidates make their case before the iowa caucuses will be right here on the fox news channel this thursday. the fox news gop presidential debate gets underway in iowa, and that's where megyn kelly is preparing today. that's 9 p.m. eastern, 6 p.m. pacific. instant analysis and live chat with fox news contributors at don't miss it. well, the governor of arizona is today saying that she's happy the supreme court is going to rule on her state's controversial immigration law. the obama administration is challenging it, as you know, arguing that regulating
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immigration is the job of the federal government, not the states. governor jan brewer says she's confident the outcome will be in her state's favor. >> i don't believe that arizona is wrong. i believe arizona is right, and i believe that taking everything into consideration all the dialogue, everything that's been taking place in arizona in regards to illegal immigration whether it's a state law or if it's a federal law, but in regards to senate bill 1070, it mirrors federal law. and they aren't enforcing the federal law, so the states wouldn't have to enforce it. alisyn: and similar laws in alabama, south carolina and utah are also facing administration lawsuits. meanwhile, in pennsylvania accused child molester jerry sandusky was supposed to face his accusers in court today, but that did not happen. instead, the former assistant penn state football coach waived his right to a hearing setting the stage for the next step which is a trial.
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this was a surprise today, david lee miller. >> reporter: there was a great deal of disbelief as well as relief and a little frustration thrown in that the preliminary hearing did not get underway as many had expected. if it had taken place, sandusky would have come face to face with many of his accusers, but minutes after the hearing got underway, the defen attorney told the court that the defendant, jerry sandusky, had agreed to waive the hearing. and that was it, it was over in about five minutes' time. the defense called the decision, and i quote, a tactical move, not cowardice or gamesmanship. they say no way are they conceding any guilt and, in fact, pled not guilty to all 52 charges. for the first time in a public setting, today jerry sandusky spoke out. >> to stay the course, to fight -- we'll have the opportunity to present our side. >> reporter: don't expect to
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see jerry sandusky in court anytime soon, although his next date is january 11th. that's going to be an arraignment. his attorney said he is going to waive that appearance as well. also today the assistant attorney general, one of whom is prosecuting the case, said waiving the preliminary hearing was not unusual, but what was surprising was what came about. as many as 13 witnesses were -- 11 witnesses were expected to testify today, including some of the alleged victims. an attorney for one of the witnesses id'ed as victim number one, spoke to the press after the hearing was waived. >> i can imagine this is terrific for my client as well as other victims who now do not have to relive the horrors that they experienced up on the witness stand, and they have achieved the same result as they would have had they had to testify. >> reporter: another attorney read a statement from the
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alleged victim he's representing. it said in part, and i quote: this is the most difficult day of my life. alisyn: oh, boy. >> reporter: the story continues at some point when there is a trial, he will have to testify. alisyn: all right, david lee miller live outside the courthouse for us, thank you for that update. we have some breaking news now out of belgium. we're learning more about that horrific attack in the middle of a crowded christmas market. the attacker throwing three grenades, killing at least three people and injuring at least 75 before killing himself. kitty logan is following this live from london. what's the latest. >> reporter: this attack took place in a busy shopping center in the middle of the day, and you can just imagine the panic, chaos and confusion which took place as this man threw several grenades and fired an automatic weapon into the crowds. but he took aim at people near a bus shelter, he had a high position on an overpass
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overlooking the square. he killed three people including two teenage boys and an elderly lady. 75 people were also injured in the attack. now, the attacker also died. it's not clear yet if he killed himself. police say they're waiting for the results of a postmortem examination on that. they say he was acting alone, he was a 33-year-old local man with a criminal record, he's known as a drug dealer. he had spent time in prison. police are still looking into the motive course, still investigating. alisyn: just horrible. thank you. well, also overseas there's a new round of bad news for the pentagon. an unmanned drone has crashed during a landing attempt on a tiny island in the indian ocean. the air force confirms an nq-9 drone crashed in the say chels. this comes just over a week after another drone went down, that one in iran.
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chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is life -- live in washington. this is a problem, catherine, what do you know? >> reporter: thanks, and good afternoon. fox news has confirmed the military is investigating the crash of that reaper drone. this is part of the africom mission where the drones are used for anti-piracy efforts and also to do surveillance of al-qaeda in somalia and yemen. this photo is similar to what went down at the airport, initial reports say it developed engine problems and had to land. there was no immediate comment on whether this incident may be connected to the downed cia drone in iran that lost contact on november 29th. three days after iran began showcasing that cia drone on state-controlled tv, fox news has learned new details, that the rq-170 could not reestablish contact with base. it should have then gone home or hit destruction mode, but the theory is it got stuck in a default setting for an automatic landing.
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we are told the forensics are still ongoing. former national security official told fox that a problem with the default setting can only be explained in two ways. one, the software was corrupted or there was, quote, an insider issue. now, what's not known and can't really because it's classified is whether the rq-170 has been benched temporarily, and that would signal concern that it was not an isolated incident but, rather, evidence of a broader problem. alisyn: we'll be talking more about just how dangerous this is later in the show. thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. alisyn: americans are increasingly worried about the threat of big government. michael reagan joins us in three minutes with just what this means for the ballot box in november. and two big supreme court decisions that could send shock waves through the 2012 race; immigration and health care reform. we have the new political fallout today. plus, a dramatic twist for this missing florida mom, michelle parker. details of the difficult decision that her family has had to make.
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>> she's my firstborn. she's my little girl. time is ticking, and michelle's not with us. i'm depressed, i'm sad, i'm mad. and i want to find michelle. is and some coffee. sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. reddi-wip us real dairy crm. nothing's more real than reddi-wip.
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the pioneers. the aviators. building superhighways in an unknown sky. their safety systems built of brain and heart, transforming strange names from tall tales into pictures on postcards home. and the ones who followed them, who skimmed the edge of space, the edge of heaven, the edge of dreams. and we follow them up there to live by an unbreakable promise, stitched into every uniform of every captain who takes their command: to fly. to serve.
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alisyn: lowe's home improvement stores now firing back at critics over its decision to pull ads from are a reality tv show about american muslims. the move sparked outrage from supporters of the show, even prompting some to call for a boycott. but the company defends its decision saying, quote, lowe's made the decision to discontinue our advertising on december 5th. we have a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and we're proud of that longstanding commitment. if we have made anyone question that commitment, we apologize. all american muslims airs on the learning channel, and it follows the lives of five american muslims living in dearborn,
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michigan. well, listen to this. an overwhelming number of americans describing big government as their biggest fear. when asked, gallup poll which of the following will be the biggest threat to the country in the future, 64% said big government is more of a threat than big business or big labor. here now political consultant michael reagan, chairman of the reagan group. hi, michael. >> good morning. alisyn: so one of the things that's so interesting about this new gallup poll is that more democrats, they've seen a spike among democrats who fear big government. it's gone from 32% two years ago to 48% now. and, of course, republican numbers have also gone up. what do you think is going on? >> well, what's going on is you have a president who has been a big cheerleader for big government. look at last week. just a week ago the president of the unite was saying what? -- of the united states was saying what? that extending the payroll tax
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would create more jobs than, in fact, him supporting the keystone pipeline to bring oil into the united states of america that would create 20,000 shovel-ready jobs, if you will. that's the image the president of the united states is putting out there. and these numbers for the president of the united states, we know the republicans are going to be with the big government, they're going to be against that. but to see that the democrats have moved from 32 to 48% thinking the same thing and independents especially which both sides are after in this next election, independents are up to 64% does not bode well for the president of the united states. and he's not going to change his spots. this is who he is, and so it's not going to get better for him along this line. alisyn: and, michael, you know, another thing that's interesting about that is that occupy wall street which, of course, has gotten so much attention this fall, they are, again, if you can sort of distill their message, you know, corporate greed and big corporations. but this suggests that they're out of step with the majority of
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americans, and maybe they should be, you know, occupying capitol hill or occupying pennsylvania avenue instead. >> a lot of people have been saying that for a long time, they're occupying the wrong buildings back in washington, d.c. and new york city. it's interesting, when you look at the president of the united states and leadership, who did he put in charge of his jobs program? jeff immelt. head of ge is head of the jobs program. let's follow his lead for a moment. and what was it just this last summer we found out that ge's x-ray imaging company that's in wisconsin is going to be moving where? to beijing, china. and ge's going to be investing $2 billion in china with that whole imaging process. now, why would the jobs czar of the president of the united states be sending his companies out of the united states of america to a foreign country? follow that lead, and you'll understand what the problems are. alisyn: were you also surprised to see how few americans in this poll fear big labor? i mean, particularly given the
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week that american airlines announces its bankruptcy, talk to american airlines if they think that big labor got in the way of them doing business, but that's not connecting with the american public. >> yeah. that's not connecting with the american public because a lot of those people are members of big labor at this point in time. big labor in california is ill killing california because of our economy out here and the price that we pay for the retirement programs and all of those things. so, again, many of those questions might be asked of big labor. but big government which, by the way, also supports big labor is really the problem here. just give you an example of what's going on here in california. to open up a hamburger stand in california, just a hamburger stand, takes two years to get permits. and you have to go through 53 regulatory -- 57 regulatory operations. that's the categories you go through just to get the permit
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to open up a hamburger stand. this is the problem in america today. alisyn: but then four of the gop candidates, you know, mitt romney, newt gingrich, how are they supposed to play this fear of big government? they are, after all, running for the biggest position in government that exists. >> well, yeah. what they're going to be running on is making it smaller. newt gingrich will be runng on the fact that he was part of it for a long period of time, he understood it when he was there as the head of the house of representatives, speaker of the house. he did balance the budget, he did reform welfare as we know it. mitt romney's going to tell you as governor of the state of massachusetts he was an executive, he understands government, he understands business, and he needs to cut it back. so both of them are going to be telling us the same story coming from two different directions, in fact, to get there. alisyn: all right, got it. michael reagan, great to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you. alisyn: all right. the search for baby lisa irwin is taking a strange twist today.
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a young family says they're concerned for their own daughter's safety over a bizarre coincidence. we're going to explain that for you. then, it was the most expensive jet fighter ever built, and it never flew a single mission. we're live with the big day for the raptor, next. some verizon cell phone customers get the scare of their lives from a strange mass text. find out what the message was and what the phone company is saying about that ahead. ♪ hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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alisyn: it's the top fighter jet
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in the u.s. arsenal, the f-32 raptor is a stealth aircraft. it's the most expensive jet ever built, and despite that it never flew a single combat mission. so after today the raptor will no longer be made. fox's jonathan serrie is live in marietta, georgia. tell us about what went into this decision, jonathan. >> reporter: yeah, certainly. if you look behind me, you can see this purple tape marking the outline of the final f-22 raptor which rolled out of here earlier in the day to much fanfare including hundreds of lockheed martin employees. for them this day is bittersweet. although it marks the end of a product line, the company anticipates the impact on jobs will be neutral at this georgia facility because it builds and services other military aircraft and makes the center wing assembly for the f-35 joint strike fighter which will replace the f-22. now, the hi-tech f-22 is praised
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as providing a formidable deterrent against any emerging threat, but in a post-cold war environment critics complain that the $153 million official price tag was too much of an investment to guard against an enemy that may no longer exist. pointing to the fact that the f-22 never saw combat in afghanistan or iraq. several foreign countries were interested in purchasing f-22 aircraft, but congress forbids its sale outside the u.s. you see this aircraft, the f-22, is packed with so much high technology that congress didn't want to risk that falling into enemy hands. back to you. alisyn: yeah. i mean, just as we've seen with the drones this week. jp than serrie, thanks so much that peek inside the factory there. all right, is the newt gingrich surge moving into mitt romney's firewall state? we have a brand new rasmussen poll, and it takes the pulse of new hampshire, the state critical to romney's bid for the
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white house. we have breaking ruts at the top of the hour for you -- results at the top of the hour for you. then, no matter which way it rules, the supreme court will play a big role in the 2012 elections. how their decision on health care and immigration could influence the elections. and new information in that wild shoot anything hollywood. one of the victims a popular music producer has died. we have that update for you next. >> kill me, i wanna die! hey, why don't you come up here? come right up here, bud! call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of a pain free holiday. ♪ this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills.
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alisyn: supreme court justice elena kagan is recusing herself from the challenge to arizona's controversial immigration law. kagan served as president obama solicitor general at the time the original lawsuit was filed against the state. and federal express setting shipping records this week. monday was their busiest day ever. they've added temporary jobs and offered overtime to get everything delivered, and amateur video capturing a pipeline fire after it was reportedly attacked in syria. the pipeline is a key source of natural gas for syria from egypt. no word on who's behind that attack. there are new developments now on the friday afternoon rampage by a gunman in the heart of hollywood. a veteran music producer has died following that attack. "america live" brought you this story, brought it to you as it was breaking last week.
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the gunman was firing at random cars at that famous intersection of sun sunset and vine. john atterbury was shot in the face and neck as he drove by. fox's trace gallagher has the update live from our west coast newsroom. this is tragic, trace. >> reporter: i'll tell you, john attar atterbury was a veryl known music producer here in los angeles, worked with singers like the spice girls and brandy and jessica simpson. he was actually driving his mercedes benz out of a bank of america parking lot. he had just gone in the bank when he was shot one time in the jaw. and remember, when this thing first broke, everybody thought it was the scene of a movie, right? you had some guy in the middle of the street firing at cars in one of the most famous intersections in the world, and he was shooting -- you see it was captured from a different angle of video up on the roof and down at ground level. he was firing at random cars, he walked up and down the street for more than two blocks. the shooter, who had just
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apparently broken up with his girlfriend, reportedly kept yelling, i want to die, i'm gonna die. eventually, police did shoot him to death when he would not put down his weapon. while the shooting was happening, talk about the irony, sean penn and ryan gosling were in the same area shooting a movie called gangster squad. very same area. it's unclear if they actually heard what was going on, but that was breaking during the friday broadcast of "america live." shooter was killed and now, of course, john atterbury, the well known music producer, has also died in that. alisyn: just terrible. all right, trace, thank you for the update. two red hot and divisive issues, illegal immigration, and the president's health care reform law, well, they're headed for the supreme court, and they are sure so ricochet through the 2012 presidential race with rulings likely to be announced in june, just five months before election day. so to help us assess the political fallout from both of
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these, leslie marshall, syndicated radio talk show host, and lars larson, also a syndicated radio host. hello to both of you. >> hi,. >> good morning. alisyn: we talked so much about the flagging economy that we've taken our eye off the supreme court, but these are major decisions that will certainly affect the presidential candidates and president obama. let's start with arizona's illegal immigration law. if supreme court sides with arizona and what they did to stop or curtail illegal immigration in their state, will that help the gop candidate, leslie? >> you know, immediate reaction, knee-jerk reaction is to say, yes, but unfortunately, i have to say i just don't think the voters are as concerned even with these issues in the supreme court decisions because the economy is such a huge issue. and i think the majority of voters have already made up their mind as to whether they're going to vote for the president,
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barack obama, in his bid for re-election or whoever comes up once they see that platform about a month away. i think it could impact undecided voters, but more so i just think it really goes to show the supreme court's decision on where the power lies truly and specifically on a federal level versus a state level, more so than affecting an election. alisyn: lars, i see you shaking your head. >> let me help connect the dots for my liberal friend, leslie. >> oh, do, lars. >> undocumented democrats are stealing the jobs of american citizens. [laughter] with 15 million people out of work, only a million of those 12 million illegals in the country work farm jobs. the rest of them work jobs that americans are willing to do right now. telling arizona that they did right by merely saying they wanted to enforce the federal laws on the box books is going to be a win for conservatives because conservatives have argued for a long time that these illegals should not be in our country taking american jobs.
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alisyn: but yet what about the hispanic vote, leslie? surely, it will have some effect on whether they turn out to the polls? >> well, that's what i was going to say. for those that i was going to say before lars wanted to connect the dots for we democrats -- [laughter] basically, for those that are undecided, you know, or those people that don't want to get out and vote, i think on both health care and immigration it can actually anger people regardless of which way the supreme court rules, and quite frankly, although, lars, i know you're a little confused, jan brewer's not running for president, and newt gingrich does want amnesty and can a path to citizenship, and it looks like he may be your guy. >> no, he doesn't. >> and i think it's a great question because that's where it impacts for people who may not have turned out, okay, i need to show up to make a difference because i'm angry about this decision. >> latinos in america who are legally here or are citizens, and there are many of them, ought to be angered at the
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insulting suggestion that if you side against those breaking our laws in our country illegally, that somehow that's an insult to people who happen to be ethnically similar to them. there is no similarity. it's like saying i ought to be against anybody who's for hunting down serial killers because most are white guys my age. smart latino voters will see through this charade. alisyn: okay. let's move on to health care reform because i have heard it said, some pundits believe that either way the supreme court decides, if they side with ma -- president obama and they allow the health care reform law, or if they start dismantling it somehow, either way, it sort of helps the president rally his base. leslie, what do you think? >> i agree 900%. back -- 100 3r9. back to the anger issue. if supreme court deems this unconstitutional, i think those democrats who plan to stay home or some who are a little upset with hope and change might say, you know what? i'm going to give this guy a
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second chance, and i'm going to show up to vote. obviously, if supreme court upholds it, it just makes it look like, see? what a waste of taxpayer time and money. and, of course, republicans are going to run with it either way, so run with it, lars. alisyn: what do you think, lars? [laughter] >> i tell you what, i will run with it. the thing leslie doesn't understand, the majority of americans oppose this law because they understand the government has no right to tell you you have to buy a certain kind of insurance product. and the very fact that if you uphold that at the supreme court, you're suggesting that the government basically has the right to run your life. that's all the more positive point for conservatives who want to take their lives back from the control of an overbearing government. alisyn: lars and leslie, we're going to leave it there. it's going to be an exciting year. >> merry christmas, leslie. >> thanks. alisyn: thank you so much. we're down to the wire. the final chance to see the candidates compete for your vote before the iowa caucuses. it'll be right here on the fox news channel this thursday.
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it's the fox news gop presidential debate. it gets under way in iowa, of course. it's 9 p.m. eastern, 6 p.m. pacific. we have instant analysis for you, we have live chat with fox news contributors at don't miss it. and we've got breaking news on a possible major change for u.s. drivers. next hour, seems the national transportation safety board now wants every single american to do before getting behind the wheel of your car. plus, the family of michelle parker now fearing the missing florida mom may never be seen alive. so where does the investigation go from here? that's next. and a window washer in new york city literally hanging on for his life. >> he was hanging, and i said is he hanging by his neck? you know, and the guy said, no, he's just hanging. it was by his harness, of course, you know? and a girl came by, and i screamed at her, call 931.
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came to america selling fishcakes from the back of his truck, and in 1942, of course, they were sent away. after the war, as a japanese coming back from camp, he started a little store on main street in seattle. of course they needed some money, and bank of america was the only bank who would talk to my father. and we've stayed with bank of america. we have four stores now, three in the pacific northwest and one in oregon. my parents would not believe how popular it is now.
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if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on top of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been tated for heart faure, or if, while on enbr, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists.
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alisyn: well, verizon wireless is apologizing for the panic it caused by sending out an emergency text message to thousands of cell phone users. the text message warned of a, quote, civil emergency, end quote, and an extreme threat to life. it also urged people to seek shelter. the message was sent out to verizon cell phones is never new jersey counties. verizon acknowledges it was an emergency notification message that failed to include the word "test." all right, after three weeks and help of hundreds of volunteers, family members of missing florida mom michelle parker say they're now scaling back their search efforts. in this as michelle mother's admits something horrible seems to have happened to her daughter, so what is next for this investigation? bill daley, a former investigator with the fbi, joins me now. hi, bill. >> hi. alisyn: the fact that the family
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says they're scaling back their effort effort is efforts, i guess they think it's time for volunteers to get back to their lives. what does that tell you? >> i think for the family it's a very sad realization that so much time has passed for an adult woman like this to have gone missing, and i think they're trying to tell all the volunteers that, you know, the time for them to go more back to their day-to-day work. they're still going to be involved in keeping those activities alive and trying to keep her image out there on shows like this so people can be on the watchful lookout. but nonetheless, police are still continuing their vigorous investigation, and they still have a primary suspect which is her former fiance. alisyn: but realistically, what does it mean when it's been 27 days and, obviously, the trail has gone a little bit cold for the orlando police department, and we see so many cases like this. does it mean they keep one police officer on this? a team of police officers? how much manpower can they still devote to it?
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>> kind of reading what they were going through this past week including up to last friday when they discovered her cell phone which was under a bridge or near lake conway underwater, they now have invigorated their search. they, in fact, had some additional k-9 units and divers in the canal behind her fiance's father home. so you can tell by just the effort behind it that they are still focusing in the with a lo t of man power -- a lot of manpower behind this. and right now the forensics on that cell phone are still being looked at. alisyn: by forensickings -- forensics, you mean the last calls placed to the phone or she placed. >> that as well as they were also able to find out this phone pinged, in other words, it hit a cell phone tower. it was on at 8 p.m. the night she disappeared, and it hit a cell tower about a mile away from this phone thrown in the water. amazingly that this phone came up and is still operational. they're able to go through and do this forensics examination on this phone. it could also tell if anyone,
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you know, certainly texted, any calls made. they'll certainly have that by some of the phone records, if anyone looked in the other applications on the phone as well. so there's a lot of details i'm sure they're not going to come out with because they don't want to pollute anything on individuals. but it's definitely a very strong lead, i would say, in this case. alisyn: yeah, that's a strong lead. i wonder if there's something sort of paradox call. it seems sad when the family says we don't have the manpower anymore to continue with the investigation, but i wonder if sometimes when the heat is off the case, when the satellite news trucks go home, when there's less attention, sometimes that sort of breaks something a little bit loose because people might start talking about information that they have? >> well, sometimes that is true, but it also goes to tell you that the police are not giving up on this, that the police are not treating it lightly. the families encourage people to go back to their day-to-day lives because of their concerns
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and maybe deep down they're concerned that something has defallen their daughter. it -- befallen their daughter. sometimes the investigation goes on, and it doesn't really matter what's being covered on tv. they're looking at things behind the scenes, things we're not privy to, timelines and other interviews may help break this case, and we certainly hope it does. alisyn: sometimes i think people just start talking at bars, you know? somebody starts confessing, somebody says something, somebody gets sloppy when the cameras go away. >> a lot of times information comes from local citizens. it's not necessarily always from the forensic investigation. a lot of times it is people saying, gee, you know, now that i think about it, i saw this happen. or i didn't see this person in the place where they said they were. they, in fact, were down the street from me. all this is very helpful. alisyn: what do you think they need to fasten upon in order to turn her ex-fiance from their lead suspect into actually charging him? might there be something on the cell phone that allow them to
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bring charges? >> i think there possibly could if there's some, you know, connection, some message sent out or something else, but that doesn't seem to be the case. i think it's going to be more on this kind of -- maybe not the technical forensics, but some other forensics that may be found. i think that's the -- without having found the individual, without having found that person or their remains, i think it's going to be based right now on circumstantial forensic information that they're able to move forward with this case. alisyn: yeah. >> the police haven't backed away from the fact that they feel he's the primary suspect, but they try to keep their eyes open that maybe, just maybe, it could be somebody else. alisyn: sure, of course. but it's always surprising in these cases where there is no body found. that's unusual, but we've seen a few cases like this over the past year where there's no body found. there's nothing for the police to go on. and it's always surprising because if something was a passion, a crime of passion in
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the heat of the moment, usually they find more evidence. >> well, usually because it's not this kind of premeditated or planned -- alisyn: right, it's sloppy. >> they're not as good as they think they are and eventually they're caught which, eventually, people are. you're right. we've had a few of these cases where the remains have not been found, you go back to the caylee anthony case, the remains weren't found for some time later. and it goes to say at least from the investigative standpoint are people becoming a little bit more sophisticated when we have these shows that in the past were held tightly in the law enforcement community, what you do when you're investigating, what do they look for? the. alisyn: i've wondered about that too. >> cell phones and technical information, unfortunately, i think, people because of the level of sophistication, even those people who act in the crime of passion could be up there much higher. alisyn: making it harder for police. bill, always great to have your expertise. thanks for coming in. growing outrage over a skyscraper design that looks
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almost exactly like the world trade center tower on 9/11 at the moment of impact. up next, new reaction from the people behind this uncanny project. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong.
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alisyn: you've got to see this next story. developers of a luxury department build anything south korea are getting a lot of heat today because the complex they plan to build, well, it eerily resembles new york city's twin towers at the moment of the 9/11 terror attacks. complete with explosive clouds as part of the design. trace has more from our west coast newsroom. trace, did you see it? it's disturbing. how did the developers justify this? >> reporter: wait until i show it to you. you will take a big time double
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take on this. this is a dutch architectural firm, and they've designed buildings in new york, cleveland and new orleans. this is in seoul, south korea. twin towers, one's 900 feet, and one is about 800 feet. it's what's in the middle that is causing the controversy. take a look at this thing. the first time you look at it, it's like, wow. they call in the cloud, and what it is, it's a series of restaurants and swimming pools and fitness centers there that kind of pop out from the building. people say it looks just like the moment that the world trade centers exploded. now, the company actually says, well, we didn't intend that, in fact, we never saw the resemblance, but then you hear a report in a dutch newspaper where one of the spokesmen says, well, yes, we did kind of recognize the link, but we didn't mean to associate with 9/11 at all. the company, as you might imagine, getting a great deal of outrage right now, a lot of angry e-mails. but the project is going forward, and the company is kind
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of courted controversy before. look at this. this is a building they built in new orleans after hurricane katrina, and this was to house hurricane katrina survivors. it looks like it was destroyed in the storm, right? well, that's actually how it was built. that's a brand new building. again, the company says this project in seoul, south korea, is definitely a go. they're going to start construction very soon. the cloud, is what they call that thing that looks like an explosion. wild. alisyn: it's wild and hard to believe, frankly, that they're not just being provocative. thanks for showing that to us. >> reporter: okay. alisyn: all right. with three weeks to the first primary votes, we've got brand new polls just released moments ago on the gop field in new hampshire. scott rasmussen and carl cameron next on what these mean for the 2012 race. and another u.s. drone going down overseas as iran flaunts their possession of this hi-tech unmanned u.s. aircraft. what secrets can they really
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learn from this? we're going to look into that next. plus, a new sign of hope for this texas model after she accidentally walked into a plane's spinning propeller. the news her family just got about her recovery. >> i'm a parent, and i know how quickly life can change, just in a moment. and that's what happened. it was just in a moment. and i, i really felt for her at this time of year and her parents. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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over his rival newt gingrich. romney has a big advantage in another key poll. scott rasmussen joins us n. scott, these are hot off the presses there this is the first time you are talking about these numbers. tell us what you think the new polls reveal. >> a month ago herman cain was still in the race. romney is down a point, gingrich is down two points. ron paul up 4, very close to newt gingrich. among those who are certain of how they will vote, he's doing better than gingrich. people recognizing gingrich and romney as frontrunners but there is still some reluctance to embrace them. alisyn: we wants to bring in campaign carl cameron.
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he's live in des moines, iowa. hi, carl. i know you have seen the numbers. what do you make of what's happening in new hampshire? >> reporter: i think it's reflective of what's happening on the ground. romney is a front runner with a real challenge. in addition to the idea that romney has cultivated a reputation for being more electable than newt gingrich. on the other hand, sometimes history and familiarity can breed contempt and that can benefit somebody like newt gingrich. certainly there is an awful lots of people who have become enamored of newt gingrich. last night he had an event in windham, new hampshire.
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for begin grip of to have it is a major warning shot to mitt romney. the truth is, even with the polls. they kind of fall to the wayside because as scott, you know, there is a massive number of hidden undecideds and they are changing their mind rapidly. alisyn: i think carl just said you are becoming obsolete. >> my kids said that long ago. alisyn: you did ask an interesting question in this latest poll. who would be the strongest opponent against barack obama in the general election? you found again a strong 45% find it's romney. >> that's in new hampshire. it's important to differentiate in what we found in national polling. among republicans across the country it's 49% seguin grip of
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would be the strongest. 24 per se romney. but in new hampshire the electability argument favoring mitt romney at this point. and carl is right. in new hampshire only half of all the voters say they are absolutely committed to their current choice. so there is a lot of room for things to change. voters are measuring a mix of electability and desirability. they want somebody who can win but they also want somebody who can bring about change if they get to the white house. alisyn: mitt romney said that's his wire wall state. he put so many manpower hours there. and if his support is eroding, obviously that would and big problem going forward. karl it would be huge. it would be catastrophic for mitt romney. both romney and gingrich are downplaying expectations. gingrich is favored to win in iowa and romney in new
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hampshire. but both of them are say it won't be over fast. yesterday i interviewed gingrich he called it a marathon. romney called it a long slog. god forbid into june. it's really important to recognize this is going to be a slow process. voters in iowa and new hampshire do recognize it. voters are smart enough to know not to make up their mind. they have to remember what happened in '08 and wait for the last weekend when hillary cried. so folks are waiting to see who cries this time and what could change thing on the last weekend before the first caucus or primary. alisyn: we have breaking news. donald trump has just announced he will be bowing out of the debate that he had planned. you remember he was going to be
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hosting a news max debate. he wanted all the gop candidate to come -- be interviewed by him. he was going to moderate and ask questions. one by one some of them started bowing out saying they wouldn't available at that time. it looks like donald trump himself says he will not be holding that debate. because he of course -- we didn't know if he was going to hold it if he was just going to have neuse there was just going to have newt gingrich and one other. sometime after the final episode of the "apprentice" on may 20, i will announce my candidacy for president of the united states as an independent and that unless i con cluesively agree not to run as an independent they will not agree to attend or be part of the news max debate
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scheduled for december 27, 2011. it's important that the right candidate be selected to beat the failed obama administration. but i'm not willing to give up my right to run as an independent. >> reporter: that's probably not a surprise to many of the folks. and it does raise the debate about whether there haven't been too many debates this time around. they have you plarnted the type -- they have supplanted the type of retail politics. folks in new hampshire will be able to say they watched them in debates 15 times. but the hand-to-hand * combat has been subordinated for these
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debates. we need more candidates in the general election to further muddy the waters before the first caucus takes place. alisyn: carl cameron, thanks so much for your instant analysis. we appreciate it. two days and counting to go time in the hawkeye state. our fox news republican presidential debate in des moines, iowa. we'll be covering the action from every platform including the web and social media. this is thursday night. it begins at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox. don't miss it. there are new questions surrounding one of the biggest corporate meltdowns in u.s. history. ever since mf global brokerage firm declared bankruptcy the feds have tried to find more than a billion dollars in missing customer fund. jon corzine the former senator
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and form governor, the man once considered for treasury secretary headed up that firm. he testified again at a hearing today. >> i never directed anyone in mf global to misuse customer fund. never intended to, and as far as i'm concerned, i never gave instructions that anybody could misconstrue. alisyn: james rosen is live in our d.c. bureau with more. where did this $1.2 billion go? >> reporter: i wish i could answer that. that's the subject of much investigation. we heard from two of onscore zions key executives from mf global. all three denied knowing about the missing funds until the night of october 30. one of the three executives cfo
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was the on one having recalled back that night that the short fall had been reconciled only to hear again that night that the fund were missing. all three rejected any criminal culpability in failure to keep segregated the firm's funds from the customer funds. >> i never authorized the the misuse of customer fund. and i don't believe that it would be possible to construe anything that i said as an authorization. >> i do not recall participating in any conversation about the use of customer funds, customer segregated funds or assets for any purpose other than what they were intended to be used for. >> i did not authorize approval, no, of any transfers of customer funds for any house or broker deal. >> reporter: seven federal versus gaightss of mf global are
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underway. auditors estimate the customers have recovered up to 70% of their loss. not so for the 2,500 mf global employees now or soon to be out of work. alisyn: so bizarre how that amount could go missing. for more on the mf global bankruptcy and the effort to find the missing customer fund you can watch the senate hearings streaming live on later in this hour we'll take an in-depth look at jon corzine's testimony and why it could be risky. a new white house threat to veto the house republican's version of a payroll tax extension is happening. lawmakers have duking it out over extending the tax holiday and unemployment benefits. both measures will expire in a couple of weeks. chief congressional
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correspondent mike emanuel is live on capitol hill with the latest. >> reporter: there is debate going on. we expect the house to pass that bill later today. the drama of the hour is after president obama said he would reject such a package, the white house issues that formal veto threat. >> we have a reasonable, responsible bill that will help the american people, will help create jobs. i'm glad that we are where we are and i look forward to the senate picking up our bill and passing it. >> reporter: there is debate on the house floor. there will be some fireworks because there are some provisions the democrats don't like. other must-pass measure is turned can the government after friday night through next september. the republicans said they thought they had a deal with the democrats. the democrats said you will need democratic votes in the house to pass the bill so we want to make
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some changes. >> let's be honest about this. this is all fear. this is done -- the dance that goes on here -- >> reporter: it seems like every time we get close to the government running out of money we get into these times of battles. the house will vote on this plan today but as we mentioned the white house is promising a veto. alisyn: thanks so as much. just ahead. a slip and fall at office that required a fire department rescue. how this guy's 9:00 to 5:00 job nearly killed him. uncle sam with one more law. one more thing you may not be able to do with your cell phone. president obama asking iran to give back our downed stealth spy plane. another drone went down thousands of miles away.
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a closer look at what used to be one of the most trusted tools in our arsenal. >> we asked for it back, we'll see how the iranians respond. [ male announcer ] if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪
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alisyn: a second american military drone going down overseas. it crashed on the island of the say shells off the coast of africa. president obama asking iran to give back one of the most sophisticated tools in our military arsenal. iran is calling it an invasion. lieutenant general, tell us just how big of a blow this is to our military or intelligence community, that this is in
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iran's hand now. >> it's a serious blow. it's a huge technology loss, plus we lost some or are aware that either the chinese other russians had to help the iranians do this. now what they have got is an intact airplane. it land on a runway, whether the gear was down or not we don't know because of the flags they have in front of it. but they have got sense sores, the stealth technology and they obviously got inside our encrypted communications which is very serious. alisyn: which say the chinese or the russians helped the iranians, they are helping dismantle the intel or they directed the drone to iran. >> i think they direct it. they had to find its location because it many stealth which is a serious concern of ours.
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they had to land it and disconnect the communications. they then had to land it. now they are privy to all the technology, stealth, the sensors, et cetera that were on board that. i think it was a huge shock that someone could get into our communications network. we are not saying not. but drones don't just land. you can see the juan in the seychelles that just crashes, it's not an easy thing to land a drone. we should be very, very concerned and it is a huge intelligence loss. alisyn: maybe i have read too many spy novels, but shouldn't these drones have self-destruct buttons if they slip into the wrong handle that we could activate? >> they do. the second global hawk we lost in the test phase was because
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someone hit destruct and it went into a spin. they got into our command and control, they disconnected our network and they were flying it. that wasn't going happen. that's why it's such a serious issue and we should be very, very concerned about it. alisyn: now that iran is privy to the technology and information they here to more didn't have, now what? >> the fact is, the iranians cannot use that technology per se, the russians and the chinese can. as we know from their stealth fighter that flew when secretary gates was in beijing. both those nations can use that technology, they can use the technology of the sense sores and they can -- the technology of the sensors. it should have been destroyed. i said before that it's much more difficult to analyze
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smithereens. that's why we should have taken it out no matter what. for those who say it would have caused a war. when we had desert one when the helicopter crashed into a c-130 when we were trying to rescue the embassy personnel there, we didn't have a war. iran is not going to go to war over this. i think we made a fundamental mistake when we didn't destroy that. once we knew they had taken it from us. alisyn: chilling stuff, thanks for explaining it to us. alisyn: court action and controversy over the white house's plan for the plan b contraceptive pill. police versus protesters in the occupy wall street movement and the situation getting out of
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hand. stun grenades and arrests all part of developments we'll tell you about. he was once talked about for the cabinet post of treasury secretary. now jon corzine is under fire for missing fund from the bankrupt financial firm he head. why his testimony may be a risky strategy. >> i was stunned to learn that hundreds of millions of dollars in fund were unreconciled on sunday evening, october 30. eggland's best eggs. the best in nutrition... justot better. high in vitamins d, e, and b12. plus omega 3's. there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste. better taste. yum! [ female announcer ] eggland's best. the better egg.
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alisyn: chaos in seattle, washington. police using stun grenades to keep back protesters as they
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tried to disrupt traffic at the port of seattle. there was a wave of protests up and count west coast. a federal judge challenging the fda decision not to make the morning after pill more widely available to women of all aijts after the obama administration stirred up controversy with a recent decision to block over-the-counter access to women under 17 years old. >> reporter: the administration is taking a lot of heat from a group that is traditionally a strong ally, the pro-choice committee. first there is a legal battle by groups that filed suit during the bush administration. they are trying to force the agency to grant wider access to the morning after pill. the fda formally denied that request. and the judge will consider
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whether to hold the fda in contempt. it denies access over the counter to women under the age of 17. >> it's outrageous that the secretary is rejecting a decision by the fda. we can't have politics trumping science. >> reporter: a group of senators sent a letter to sebelius asking for the rationale and the data you relied on for the decision. >> i think it's fascinating. we are so used to seeing the abortion law wing. i think they mightave run up against a wall of common sense. >> reporter: the pill is
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available to women under the age of 17, but they have got to get a prescription. alisyn: we have breaking news on a possible major change for u.s. drivers. what the national transportation safety board wants every single american to do before getting behind the wheel of your car. the details that could save your life next. new hope for a texas model after she accidentally walked into a plane's spinning propeller. what her family is saying about her amazing recovery. democrats and republicans battle over year-end spending measures. what creates more jobs, tax increases or construction projects. we have a fair and balanced debate on that next. there he is, poised to discover plum amazins,
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the amazing alternative to raisins and cranberries with more fiber, less sugar, and a way better glycemic index. he's clearly enjoying one of the planet's most amazing superfruits. hey, keep it down mate, you'll wake the kids. plum amazins. new, from sunsweet.
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alisyn: we have a fox news alert. calls for a nationwide ban on using personal electronic devised behind the wheel of your car. a federal ban would mean no talk or text or updating while driving. trace gallagher is live in our west coast newsroom. >> reporter: you would be able to talk but everything would
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have to be hands free or you would be breaking the law. the ntsb is putting its powerful foot down making everything hands free, bang all personal electronic device. announcement came 40 minutes ago and they have been sending out twitter messages about this all day long. one says life is more precious than a phone call or play list. it goes on to say, distraction kills. more than a manny van load of people every day. you mentioned the investigation into that missouri crash. a student was killed in this. the truck driver who caused his sent out 11 text messages in the 11 minutes prior to the crash. here is the ntsb chairman. >> it's time to stop and assess what's happening on your roadways. that needless lives are lost because of distraction. and for what?
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convenience? death isn't vent. and so we can stay more connected? >> reporter: it's important to remember the ntsb has no power to regulate the transportation industry. it simply makes recommendations to the states, the feds and the locals. but it has a powerful foot and their recommendations are generally followed by means that in the months and years to come, you will likely see states adopt this no-personal electronic device policy. this is from the national highway transportation safety administration. they are saying 5,474 killed in crashes by distracted drivers. 500,000 estimated injuries. so it's clearly a problem. we see it all the time. somebody who has their head down in front of you.
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you know they are texting. i'm guilty of sending out a few texts myself on the roadway. but it's a major problem in society. alisyn: put it in the glove compartment. put your purse in the trunk so you are not tempted. i had to resort to that. thanks for the numbers and the updates. republicans and democrats on capitol hill are battling over the payroll tax extension. republicans want to fund the keystone pipeline project. why can't democrats get behind that? joining me now former aide to chuck schumer christopher hahn and chris plant, host of the chris plant show. hey, guys.
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let's start with the keystone pipeline and why this is such a sticking points. the state department has estimated the numbers are all over the map for how many jobs it would create. but the general feeling is somewhere between 5,000-,000 jobs, which is better than zero jobs. why is this such a sticking point? >> i think what happened with this pipeline was the president was fully behind it. an got a call from the governor of nebraska and said can you revisit a few things to make sure this is safe for nebraska's drinking water. i think the administration will approve this pipeline. but we shouldn't be tying the payroll tax highway to this. these are two separate things the republicans would be balking over. when you want to take a tax cut for the richest 1%, no holds barred, no strings attached.
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>> back to the talking points. two things in one bill, oh, oh , no, that would be unusual. the president used the governor of nebraska as an excuse to bow to the environmental radicals that a anti-job. even barack obama's own labor unions are in favor of this keystone pipeline. it's not 5,000 jobs. tens of thousands of jobs and the ripple effect is he norm use through a range of states in the midwest where we could start developing our existing oil and natural gas in the northern plains. tens of thousands of jobs. they are experiencing an economic boom up there. >> and it's going to happen. >> then let's do it. if we can agree on it. oh, happy day. >> when the governor of the state says please make sure this isn't going to hurt our dwrainger i think it's incumbent
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upon the president and the state department to take another look at it. >> there are hundreds of pipelines going through nebraska. it was an excuse to put the kibosh on the whole thing. alisyn: another sticking point is whether taxes should be raid for the wealthiest americans. the president said $250,000. there are proposals for a million dollars. more than a million dollars. harry reid has something interesting to say about whether he believes millionaires are actually job creators. let's listen to him. >> job create towards are like unicorns. impossible to find and. less than 1% are small business owners and on a tiny fraction of that tiny fraction is traditional job creator.
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most these businesses are hedge fund managers, or wealthy lawyers. they don't do much hiring and they don't need more tax breaks. alisyn: what do you think of that. millionaire job creators are like unicorns. you doesn't see them even in the wild. >> democrats with an economic plan are like the loch ness monster. we don't see them often either. they should walk him off the floor of the senate and put him on a plane back home. >> they had these tax cuts for 12 years. alisyn: christopher hahn is making an interesting point. you are saying where are the jobs? >> here is my other point. the only thing that recase jobs in this country is demand. million airs don't need extra money. they are already rich. they have all the money they
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need to spend whatever they want. by putting money in working people's pockets you create demand in america. that's why we should be raising taxes on the rich and giving a payroll tax holiday to the middle class and working class in america. >> government spending will create jobs. and then the workers will fuel the economy. rich people -- i have people on my show today who are small business owners and we talked about this. we called in and they are not invisible, they are not unicorns, they actually exist. it's rich people that pay the landscapers and interior designers. >> they are already doing that. >> if they are already doing it, case solved. if the government is take more money out of the economy and putting it in the government coffers. >> give us this tax cut and
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we'll create jobs. we were promised to extend the tax cut. markets are always going to be uncertain. there will always be you can certainty in this world and most businessmen will take the risk and create jobs and build things in this country. but that's not happening because the tax policy doesn't allow it to happen. >> government sucking more money out of the economy and putting it in the government coffers. if you want to do it, go ahead. i'm almos for letting the republicans do it. let the president pay the price on election day. you pretend it works. give it to him. pretend it will do something positive. when it doesn't -- alisyn: christopher hahn, chris plant, thanks for the real debate, not a mythical one. we appreciate it. a bright spot for the economy. consumer spernlgd is on the rebound. americans are buying more during
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holidays. retail sales up 2% it's a modest gain but it means sales have got up for six straight months. sales of electronics, appliances, clothing and big items like cars are also seeing an increase. a window washer slips and falls and is left dangling sticks stories in the air. how he got down, that dramatic rescue. jon corzine once talked about for treasury secretary now facing tougher questions on capitol hill after the financial firm he ran lost billions in customer fund. what he has to say about the missing money. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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platform. luckily he was wearing a safety harness that kept him from falling to the pavement. viewer from wouldn't have had that safety harness he would have been a goarn. >> the harness and safety lines are everything to this guy. if they are not working properly or he wasn't using them, he could have been injured in a fall. it was a good day for him. alisyn: spectators cheering when he was brought safely down to street level. back to one of our top stories. a senate panel on the money trail trying to find out what happens to more than a billion dollars in customer fund missing from mf global. jon corzine, the former democratic new jersey senator and governor testified that he did not there are the misuse of
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fund. but is that testimony a risky strategy? matt mccall is the author of "the next great bull market." you have been busy. >> so has jon corzine, apparently. alisyn: there was a cover story that depicted him as a hand-on high-stake risk taker than previously known. he was in to taking risks with this money. what does that tell us? >> he's ceo of a major company and he's making large trades for his company, checking the market 24/7. that sounds like a gambling addict. if you are doing this for mf global, it tells me he knew something was going on. he made a couple big bets to save this company. alisyn: i'd sounds like he knew
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something had to be going on. he's a hands-on guy web's a smart guy web's used to be being an executive. let's listen to what he said today about what he did and didn't do. >> i never directed anyone at mf global to misuse customer fund. never intended to. as far as i'm concerned i never gave instructions that anybody could misconstrue. alisyn: is that plausible? >> i'm not an attorney but when i hear that it sounds like he's speak out both sides much his mouth. it's like when you blink your eye and say we need to get the company going. we need to make big bets on this european debt to avoid brought up it was frenzied before they declared bankruptcy. they were making major trades, so that's why they couldn't find
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this money. they had a few days left that they had to make big bets an was part of that. he didn't say use our customer fund which is illegal, there is definitely something going on behind the doors. alisyn: is this about making big risky bets or stark money somewhere? >> it's a little bit of both. how do you lose $1.2 billion? to me that's mind blowing. everything right now -- the regulations we have even from my company, much smaller than mf global, everything is documented electronically over and over. you are supposed to have your firm fund here and client fund over here. er in not supposed to comidge those funds. who did they get commingled? this is the tip of the iceberg i believe.
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they have to determine how it got there and who authorized it. and that has to go back to the man who ran the company. alisyn: you seiko -- you say commingling of fund is illegal. >> someone will be charged criminally for this. he made bad trades. that happens from time to time and corporations go brupt. i believe they took the client's fund, they used them for their own bets. he probably got behind the 8-ball and said we'll take our client's money, make a couple big bets. put it back, they will never know what happened. but they got caught. this happens all the time with smaller companies, this is just a smaller scale. alisyn: this sound madoffesque. >> he's borrowing money that is
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not his money. it's not the same as madoff but it's right there with the madoff scheme. alisyn: he was almost considered being tapped for the treasury secretary. this is stunning. >> i believe core zone believes in his mind he can make this trade and bet on european debt. if they went his way they would be called genius. alisyn: you know this story. she walked into a spinning airplane propeller but somehow she didn't die. >> i'm a parent, and i know how quickly life can change just in a moment. and that's what happened. it was just in a moment. and i really felt for her at this time of year and her parents. juice drink too watery?
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more people are decking themselves while trying to deck the halls. consumer product safety commission says injuries involving falls from ladders while stringing lights and cuts from broken glass ornaments are on the rise. 13,000 people treated in emergency rooms for such injuries last year, up from 10,000 back in 2007. there are new developments in the recovery of lauren scruggs, the young texas model injured after walking into an airplane propeller. now miraculous news. trace gallagher is live with the latest. what's happening today? >> reporter: she's a fighter.
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her parents say she's making giant leaps, now up and walking around the hospital, eating solid food and her spirits are higher. her dad says she looked at herself in the mirror for the first time, quote, it's not that bad. here's mom and dad. >> she understands she was in a bad accident but she can't remember any details. >> she's walking, she's got her spunk back, her personality. she's smiling. >> she accidentally walked into that propeller and from the small plane after she flew over dallas to look at christmas lights. the prop hit her face, shoulder, it severed her left hand. the doctors are concerned she could lose her left eye but she's able to move both eyebrows up and down, a key indicator
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showing the nerve damage is not as bad as they thought. that's a very big deal, long way to go but she really is making great strides. >> to hear her say it's not that bad is inspirational. thank you. more breaking news from the campaign trail. real estate giant and reality tv star donald trump pulling out of his high profile debate moderating jobs. details next.
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>> hot dogs on ice. doesn't sound appetizing but it makes for great tape. dozens of dachshund puppies in color outfits in a contest at a skating rink. some made it to the finish line, some weren't feeling it. all proceeds go to the animal rescue foundation. very cute. thanks fr


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